The Bible says, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin…”
This has always been one of my favorite passages because it personally rings loud and true for me. What started from pure hustle, grind, sweat and sometimes even tears has now become my passion and legacy, and has established a name in the Black Greek apparel world, known as Kendall’s Greek Apparel.
Years ago, after going through a rough divorce, I found myself struggling and trying to find a way to support my family on my own all while living check to check from my secretarial position at Michelin. Never imagining being in that situation, I tried to make ends meet while at the same time giving my children their hearts desires. Still, it just didn’t seem like it was enough. Life was taking its toll, I wasn’t truly happy, and kept telling God, there has to be more to life than just this.
Fully believing this in my heart, I came up with the idea of starting my own business. To be honest, I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to do, but knew I wanted it to be in the lines of apparel. So, I took that idea along with whatever little savings I had and invested it into selling children’s and family reunion shirts. This was my small beginning, but I gave it everything I had and more, and quickly became successful in it. Yet, still, I knew there had to be more, although I didn’t fully know what that more was. Then one day, simply while watching one of my favorite Black sitcoms, I noticed that they were all wearing Black College Apparel. That was my answer!
With hope and a prayer, I tracked down that vendor and tried getting them to wholesale their items to me, but because I did not have a brick-and-mortar location, they denied it. But I had come way too far to give up, and the idea itself kept tugging at me. So, I did the only thing that I knew to do. I held close to God, prayed without ceasing, became relentless in my faith and would not stop calling them until I recieved the response I was looking for. Needless to say, they finally gave me a contract and I ended up becoming the top seller out of all of his clients and was even featured in the local newspaper. From there I started selling Negro League items at pop up shops and pretty much any convention or conference that was focused on African American people.
Though I was selling out of product at these events however, the question was still being asked, “Do you have any Greek items or When are you going to sell your own Greekwear?” This took some thought and an overwhelming amount of faith because I had never been one to fail…until I was reminded of that same passage, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin…”
So, in 2005 I stepped out on my faith and made the transition into Greek Apparel by starting Kendall’s Greek, which has now become the top selling Greek Apparel company in South Carolina and is licensed across all the Divine 9.
Here at Kendall’s Greek, we are proud to offer the highest quality and most unique Greek merchandise on the market today.

Ambassadors of The Brand

AKA Ambassador
Angel L. gordon
I feel confident in my Kendall’s Greek! The items are always unique, great quality and feel great on! Kendall’s Greek is the premier vendor for Greek paraphernalia and their items are my favorite!

AKA Ambassador
Lauren Elise
I feel classy, chic, and exquisite!

AKA Ambassador
Cassandre Luberus
When I wear my Kendall’s Greek, I feel favored!

AKA Ambassador
Taylor Desaussure
Kendall’s Greek makes me feel oh so pretty! Every time I’m wearing Kendall’s Greek paraphernalia, my Mommy Soror is always ready to copy me by purchasing pieces for herself. Kendall’s Greek paraphernalia looks great, feels great, and excites customers to want MORE!

AKA Ambassador
Tania Joseph
I feel fashionable ,chic & sophisticated but most importantly always well represented.

AKA Ambassador
Tiffany Parks
There are scores of vendors in the marketplace but Kendall's Greek stands alone with exceptional quality, exciting collections and impeccable marketing.
The business attire feels posh and classic. The casual wear is so vibrant and playful. KG is unmatched.

Paulette Sutton
When I wear Kendall’s Greek, I feel like I stand out in a crowd and represent my organization well with class, style and sophistication.

Dequanda Sanders
I totally enjoy wearing Kendall’s Greek, great quality, comfortable and my favorite Greek apparel company for Delta business, casual and fun. Definitely proud to represent such an amazing company.

Asha Williams
Wearing items from Kendall’s Greek makes me feel elegant, empowered, and bold. Each piece stands out and makes a statement.

Taquinda Marie
When I am in my Kendall’s Greek, I am not only confident but I am putting forth my best Delta self when stepping into any room. From its high quality material and the originality of each piece, you are setting a standard and rocking the latest trends when you are rocking your Kendall’s Greek!

Stephanie Weekes
When I’m wearing my Kendall’s Greek, I feel fabulous and fierce representing my illustrious sorority and sisterhood.

Regina Lynn
When I wear Kendall's Greek I feel the Executive vibes with the old school "Sisterly Love".

ΖΦΒ Ambassador
Victoria Simms
I feel like I’m ready for any event with KG!

ΖΦΒ Ambassador
Natalie Handy
In anything I wear from Kendall's Greek, I feel comfortable. I am comfortable to be the professional Zeta in a meeting, the sociable Zeta at an event, or the working Zeta doing community service. I love the way their items enhance my look and are made with quality materials.

ΖΦΒ Ambassador
Karmel Hackett
When I’m wearing my Kendall’s Greek attire I know I’m not only in the highest quality of material, but also representing the brand of Zeta in a Finer fashion.

ΖΦΒ Ambassador
Gina Richardson
I feel FINER in my Kendall’s Greek para!!! It' looks and feels good and the quality is stunning!!!💙

Eryka Wallace
I feel empowered and ready to handle whatever comes my way! 💙

Candice Logan
When I wear Kendall’s Greek, I know that I exude RHOyalty. Dressed up or dressed down, it’s giving Greater!

Sharon A. Wilson
Kendall's Greek produces stylish, well made and figure flattering garments. When I wear KG, I feel confident and well dressed!

Yasmine Payton
When I wear Kendall’s Greek I feel like the Prettiest Poodle in the land !

Dominique Robinson
Kendall's Greek makes me feel confident.

Nariah Swails
I feel like I’m embodying what GREATER looks like when I wear Kendall’s Greek. I walk in confidence knowing I am representing Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. well.

Tracy D. Thornton
Whenever I put on Kendall's Greek I feel sophisticated and a little edgy at the same time. Nobody can tell me a thing. Me and Kendall's Greek go together real bad!

Amanda Williams
When I’m in my Kendall’s Greek apparel, you can’t tell me nothing!! Its quality, the fabric’s feel and its brand clearly defines the essence of my RHOyalty!!!! No other Greek apparel brand repRHOsents us as good as Kendall’s Greek!